COVId 19 protocol
What to expect
Here’s what you can expect for your long awaited appointments at Haven Salon.
Do I need to self -screen?
Yes. Please self screen 48 hours before your appoint. COVID symptoms are : Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea. If you have any of these symptoms, DO not come into the salon. Call your primary care doctor or please call Ventura County Corona Hotline 805-465-6650.
You will be required to confirm you are & have been in good health before you come to your appointment. We are also required to check both stylists & clients temperatures upon arrival at Haven. If you do have a fever, you will forfeit your appointment & could be charged a non refundable cancellation fee. Please reschedule if you are not well to avoid this.
What If I need to reschedule due to illness?
If you call to reschedule due to illness 24 hours before your appointment, we will not charge a cancellation fee. If you arrive at your appointment with a fever or exhibiting any symptoms, we will ask you to leave and you will be charged 50% of your service fee. If you "no show" an appointment, you will be charged 50% of your service and could be asked to not to rebook at Haven.
Do I need to Wear a mask?
You will need to wear a mask that goes around your ears (ones that tie on your head will interfere with your hair) while you are at Haven. If you forget yours, we will have disposable masks for you.
What do I need to do when I get to the salon?
Please wait in your car upon arrival & text your stylist that you are here or call the salon! We will then either instruct you to come on in or ask you to wait until your stylist is ready for you. After having your temperature taken, please head straight back to the bathroom to wash your hands before taking your seat at your stylist's station.
Are you still offering your Complimentary monthly Cocktails?
Sadly, due COVID19 we cannot offer our usual luxury drink service. We know you love the cocktails & coffee as much as we do, trust me I have been dreaming up the "Post Quarantini Cocktail" we'd serve this whole time...but for the time being we can only offer bottled water.
Are you still practicing social distancing at the salon?
We are required to encourage all regular social distancing rules outside of when your service is being preformed - so we will be giving air hugs & waving instead of the regular hugs & high fives. We promise, we love you just the same & are smiling really big under our masks :)